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Commissions - Index

Charles Hopkinson painting George Eastman


Joseph Henry Beale (1861 - 1943). Royall Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (1913-38). Painted by Charles Sydney Hopkinson (1869-1962). Oil on canvas, 45-1/16 x 39-1/4 in. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library (http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/special/).

Therese and Fifine Bellec, Brittany, France, ca. 1893, Oil

Madame Bellec, Brittany, ca. 1896, 25 x 24 inches, Oil

Madame Josephine Bellec, Brittany, ca. 1894, 36 x 26 inches, Oil.

Joseph Doddridge Brannan (1848-1930). Bussey Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (1869-1962). Painted by Charles Sydney Hopkinson (1869-1962). Oil on canvas, 52-1/8 x 42-1/4 in. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library (http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/special/).

Ionel Bratianu, Romanian Representative to WWI Paris Peace Conference, 1919, 45 x 55.5 inches, Oil

Edward Channing, (1856-1931), Professor of History, Harvard University, Portrait: 1929, 26 x 24 inches, Oil

E.E. Cummings (1894-1962) as a child: *65M-72. Houghton Library, Harvard University. Gift of Marion M. Cummings, 1965.

Edward Waldo Forbes, (1873-1969), Director Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Portrait: 1940, 34.5 x 44.5 inches, Oil

Portrait of a Girl with Red Hair, Signed Charles Hopkinson upper left. Oil on canvas. Dimensions: app 20" x 16", Blue Heron Interiors, Cohasset, Massachusetts 02025

Charles Hall Grandgent, (1862-1939), Professor of Romance Languages, Harvard University, Portrait: 1929, 48 x 38 inches, Oil

Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935). Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (1902-32). Painted by Charles Sydney Hopkinson (1869-1962). Oil on canvas, 95 x 59-1/2 in. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library (http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/special/).

Prince Saionji Kimmochi, (1849-1940), Japanese Representative to WWI Paris Peace Conference, Portrait: 1919, 51.5 x 32 inches, Oil

George Lyman Kittredge, (1860-1941), Professor of English Literature, Harvard University, Portrait: 1926, 50 x 40.5 inches, Oil

Anna Parker Lowell, Mrs. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, Portrait: 1930, 40 x 36 inches, Oil

Abbott Lawrence Lowell, (1856-1943), President, Harvard University, Portrait: 1930, 43 x 36 inches, Oil

Dorothea Moore, 1917, 18 x 14 inches, Oil on canvas board

Samuel Eliot Morison, (1887-1976), Professor of History, Harvard University, Portrait: 1929, 38 x 39 inches, Oil

Charles Eliot Norton, (1827-1908) Professor of Art History, Harvard University, Portrait: 1921, 51 x 40 inches, Oil

George Herbert Palmer, (1842-1933), Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy and Civil Polity, Harvard University, Portrait: 1926, 40 x 30 inches, Oil

Nikola P. Pashitch, Yugoslavian Representative to WWI Paris Peace Conference, 1919, 51.5 x 32 inches, Oil

Roscoe Pound (1870-1964). Dean, Harvard Law School (1916-36). Painted by Charles Sydney Hopkinson (1869-1962). Oil on canvas, 53 x 43 in. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library (http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/special/).

Theodore William Richards, (1868-1928), Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Portrait: 1930, 44 x 35, Oil

Eugene Wambaugh (1856-1940). Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (1892-1925). Painted by Charles Sydney Hopkinson (1869-1962). Oil on canvas, 52-3/16 x 39-3/4 in. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library (http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/special/).

Barrett Wendell, (1855-1921), Professor of English, Harvard University, Portrait: 1917, 53 x 40.5 inches, Oil

Sylvia Whiting, {Mrs Thomas Earle White 1900-1991} - 56 x 26 oil. Painted in 1904 in Boston, MA.

Raymond Sanger Wilkins (1891-1971). Chief Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (1956). Painted by Charles Sydney Hopkinson (1869-1962). Oil on canvas, 50 x 39-3/4 in. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library (http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/special/).

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